About Me

Here we go!

Instagram makes me look younger! (wink wink)

I’m Tiffany. I’ve been married over 29 years, have five kids, 6 grandbabies, and one dog. We live just outside of Dallas, Texas. I was a stay at home mom (now retired or promoted to grandma) and while I didn’t “work”, I did raise five productive members of society so, I’m very proud of that!

Over the past 27 years, being a stay at home mom means I got bored now and then which lead me to have more blogs than I can remember so, blogging is nothing new to me. What is new, is this blog!

I want to use this little sliver of the web to spread some inspiration and/or motivation… With my story, with what I’m doing to make my life better and perhaps even for a few minutes I could make someone’s life a little better. Maybe that someone is you!

Oh, and one more thing! “The Sparkly Pumpkin” it’s a thing! Long story short sort of, I was out with my daughter shopping and I see all these ladies loading up their shopping carts with Fall decor and I admit I was a bit envious. At the time my finances were low, as had been the case many times over the years of being a single income family.

During that time I’d been reading a book  The Spirit of Python by Jentezen Franklin. In his book he writes about having “duct tape faith” which is about just patching things together and just “getting by” because you don’t have the faith to expect anything better. And that’s when I thought I need to have “Sparkly Pumpkin Faith” so that I can be financially in a position to buy that stuff and not stress about it. So, I bought one of those 97-cent sparkly pumpkins at Walmart and from there my kids have bought them for me too. It’s not idol worship, but a reminder to keep my faith…. sparkly pumpkin faith!

Plus I have “orange” hair and I like glitter and crafty stuff, so here we are at The Sparkly Pumpkin!